Time for my first arty type post!
I recently have been spending a lot, and I mean A LOT, of time thinking about my photography and drawing and all that crap, just wondering what on earth am I going to do with these so called talents I have? The art world is so hard to get into and get your work noticed in, that I feel so stuck. So I guess the first step is actually attempting to get together a proper portfolio, starting myself new projects every so often and actually completing them for once. Alright so all of this may not happen but fuckit. Anyways, after playing around at work (instead of working I know right, so rebellious) I came up with an idea which is kind of a form of photography... depends on which way you look at it. But I am hoping I can kick off this project and get it to be recognized as art rather than a pile of wank.

Here's a little clue about my project, my cover photo for my Facebook page.
This is only a short post, but it's really just to let everyone know that I do have ideas whirling around and to anyone who cares, my portfolio will eventually be worthy of your time!
(Really I just want people to start noticing my work so I'm trying as much random crap as possible to see if it works)
Hope all you guys are letting yourself have the chance to be who and what you want to be, rather than just carrying on with life thinking 'this is how it's meant to be and how everyone lives it'. Cause even though yeah a lot of people don't live their dreams, it's more than likely because they just didn't get lucky OR just didn't have the strength to keep going. At times I feel like one of those people too, but as long as I keep instantly reacting to my creative instincts, something could happen. The same goes to you fuckers.
It's in no relation to the start of this post, but do what you wanna do and do it to your best.
OK soppy stupid moment over, hope some of you people are looking forward to seeing more of my work and blogging!
Hope all you guys are letting yourself have the chance to be who and what you want to be, rather than just carrying on with life thinking 'this is how it's meant to be and how everyone lives it'. Cause even though yeah a lot of people don't live their dreams, it's more than likely because they just didn't get lucky OR just didn't have the strength to keep going. At times I feel like one of those people too, but as long as I keep instantly reacting to my creative instincts, something could happen. The same goes to you fuckers.
It's in no relation to the start of this post, but do what you wanna do and do it to your best.
OK soppy stupid moment over, hope some of you people are looking forward to seeing more of my work and blogging!