Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Chapter 5, new project.

Time for my first arty type post! 
I recently have been spending a lot, and I mean A LOT, of time thinking about my photography and drawing and all that crap, just wondering what on earth am I going to do with these so called talents I have? The art world is so hard to get into and get your work noticed in, that I feel so stuck. So I guess the first step is actually attempting to get together a proper portfolio, starting myself new projects every so often and actually completing them for once. Alright so all of this may not happen but fuckit. Anyways, after playing around at work (instead of working I know right, so rebellious) I came up with an idea which is kind of a form of photography... depends on which way you look at it. But I am hoping I can kick off this project and get it to be recognized as art rather than a pile of wank. 

Here's a little clue about my project, my cover photo for my Facebook page.

This is only a short post, but it's really just to let everyone know that I do have ideas whirling around and to anyone who cares, my portfolio will eventually be worthy of your time!
(Really I just want people to start noticing my work so I'm trying as much random crap as possible to see if it works)

Hope all you guys are letting yourself have the chance to be who and what you want to be, rather than just carrying on with life thinking 'this is how it's meant to be and how everyone lives it'. Cause even though yeah a lot of people don't live their dreams, it's more than likely because they just didn't get lucky OR just didn't have the strength to keep going. At times I feel like one of those people too, but as long as I keep instantly reacting to my creative instincts, something could happen. The same goes to you fuckers.
It's in no relation to the start of this post, but do what you wanna do and do it to your best.

OK soppy stupid moment over, hope some of you people are looking forward to seeing more of my work and blogging!

Saturday, 18 January 2014

Chapter 4, Starbound #2.

So my friend kindly noted that I hadn't told you about the controls and story length of Starbound, therefore I bring you part two of my review (Hiphipfuckinghooray).

Main controls: Use your generic WASD to move around, A+D to move from side to side just like any side scrolling game and W to move forward. S makes you crouch, however it also helps you go down stairs and to lower platforms, whilst pressing Spacebar at the same time (also the jump button) which in my opinion is a bit of a pain in the ass but at least its not over complicated. Well for most anyway.
You have a secondary and primary attack, use your LMB for primary and RMB for secondary. This however only applies if you are not using a two-handed weapon. 
Scrolling your mouse changes what you have in your hands from your main slots, if your scrolly thing (yes I don't know the proper name) doesn't work you can use Z or just click on the slot with the item you want.
I is inventory, C for crafting, J for your journal, shift click on items to move them quickly from your inventory to a furnace for example or vice verse. 
Simple really ey?

Story length: To be honest there isn't one. It's a matter of travelling to different galaxies and planets (which as far as I know there's bloody loads), walking around every planet and killing all the beasties. So I guess you could say there is a certain 'length' to each planet, some can take half an hour and others over an hour. It really depends on how quickly or often you get your ass kicked. Some planets don't have a boss whilst others do.
So as long as you don't suck at games like me and die every 2 minutes, then you should complete planets quite quickly. Just don't forget to look for resources.

So there we go, I promise this reviews finished now.

Chapter 3, A Beautiful Disaster.

Ok so here is my first book review, I first wrote this on Goodreads (www.goodreads.com) so of course I've done the lazy thing of copying and pasting it from my profile. But there is nothing else I could possibly write to describe the greatness of this book, so here it is:

Haven't read this book? WHY THE HELL NOT?
I don't even enjoy novels completely revolving around love, but this one I could not put down. It's such an odd and wonderful story, describing a more than intense bond between two pretty messed up people. 
Well messed up isn't the right word, maybe completely crazy is better. 
Never before have I got so involved with a characters feelings, every time I read a few pages of Beautiful Disaster, I completely forgot who I was and ended up feeling angry and annoyed for no reason, simply because the of the characters situation, I had no idea I could be effected so badly by a book. 
Effected badly in a good way obviously.
But jeeeeesus this story is intense. 
And yet some how Jamie didn't need were wolfs or vampires or any other mystical beings, to create tension and fear. She has some how managed to just use emotions to engage the reader, now that to me is a great writer.

Ok so this review makes no sense, but how can you make sense of a book that describes a relationship that makes no sense at all?

Thursday, 16 January 2014

Chapter Two, Starbound.

So you may or may not of heard, of Starbound. A 2D, side scrolling, space ship, occasional boss fight, minecrafty game. 

Basically you chose what your race is (human, fishman thing and several over things) and then you spawn on your ship, it gives you quests and all that rubbish. You travel from planet to planet, collecting different things like wood and iron to craft things just like in minecraft (only you don't need to remember the pattern for everything you make). Finding coal is ESSENTIAL or at least burning wood to create coal, this is because you use coal as fuel. No fuel? No travelling to new galaxies bitch.

I have to admit you can easily spend hours pimping your ship or building yourself a house on a planet you like (which you can call your home planet) but when it comes to kicking the shit out of all the monsters on the planets, not all of them will try to kill you though, I definitely say it is better to play this game with other people. Again just like minecraft, it's just not as fun if you haven't got anyone else to use as bait, or destroy their house or get them killed...

Weapons? These drop from any monsters you kill, the harder it is to kill the beasty the higher the DPS. Simple.

Graphics = Sweeeeeeet.
It may only be 2D pixels but I do enjoy the style and colours used. Who doesn't love a good old retro style game?

All in all, pretty damn awesome game.

Chapter One..or something like that.

So I guess the first 'important' post would be one telling you about all the joyous stuff you will get to see:
  • Reviews: Books, games and other stuff
  • Hopefully if i get the time, i can post (maybe tutorials) eye makeup experiments
  • My photography and other art work
And lots of other wonderful, but probably quite boring, things!
~way to promote my blog
ANYHOW hopefully I can stop being so lazy and keep this blog going, SO to give me a helping hand I will also be asking you guys for things to try/review (and before you say, no I do not want to try fisting).

Look forward to boring you all!