Saturday, 18 January 2014

Chapter 3, A Beautiful Disaster.

Ok so here is my first book review, I first wrote this on Goodreads ( so of course I've done the lazy thing of copying and pasting it from my profile. But there is nothing else I could possibly write to describe the greatness of this book, so here it is:

Haven't read this book? WHY THE HELL NOT?
I don't even enjoy novels completely revolving around love, but this one I could not put down. It's such an odd and wonderful story, describing a more than intense bond between two pretty messed up people. 
Well messed up isn't the right word, maybe completely crazy is better. 
Never before have I got so involved with a characters feelings, every time I read a few pages of Beautiful Disaster, I completely forgot who I was and ended up feeling angry and annoyed for no reason, simply because the of the characters situation, I had no idea I could be effected so badly by a book. 
Effected badly in a good way obviously.
But jeeeeesus this story is intense. 
And yet some how Jamie didn't need were wolfs or vampires or any other mystical beings, to create tension and fear. She has some how managed to just use emotions to engage the reader, now that to me is a great writer.

Ok so this review makes no sense, but how can you make sense of a book that describes a relationship that makes no sense at all?

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